Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hiking Anthony's Nose

Navigators Chapter 13 had a great first hike.  The trees were in peak color as we climbed to Anthony's Nose, a high rock overlooking Bear Mountain and the Hudson River.  Trevor led the group in finding North, following a trail, and a Trust Walk.  We saw toads, an incredible orange salamander, giant tadpoles, waterfalls, ponds and a rainbow of mushrooms.  Everyone was a trouper and did a fantastic job!
Preparing to Hike

 Trust Hiking is walking while blindfolded and being led by a partner.  This was very tricky, as the terrain was rocky, slippery --- and uphill!

The payoff: This incredible view of the Hudson River!

On top of Anthony's Nose

Of course, sitting on an old tree is good too!

2012-2013 First Meeting

Co-leader Rachel, Elia, Alex, and Emre (and Spot)
Welcome to the 2012-2013 year of Navigators Chapter 13! We welcomed our group back at our first meeting in early October, along with two brand-new members Kristine and Emre! At our first meeting we got to know each other better, started learning a new song, and made delicious pizzas.
Co-leader Trevor, Sam, Tommy and Luca
Welcome, Kristine

Enjoying Bler's banana bread!

Nicholas, Sam, Tommy and Co-leader Trevor. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Navigators Chapter 13 2012-2013 Membership Meeting

Hello all!
Our first meeting will be next Thursday, September 27, at 6:30 pm at the Outward Bound office,
29-46 Northern Boulevard  Long Island City, NY 11101. 

We will announce our tentative schedule for the year, the yearly dues, and hopefully meet some new members.  Please bring along anyone you think might be interested.

If you can't make the meeting but you think you might be interested, send an email to me or Trevor for more information:


And check out our new logo! Thanks, Trevor! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Favorite Camping Trip Picture

I love this picture of the kids relaxing on the mountaintop at sunset, having a funny conversation.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chapter 13's First Camping Trip

Despite a rainy forecast, our June camping trip turned out to have perfect weather.  We drove up a winding road in Dutchess County to come to Pawnee Rock, which sported a beautiful view:

We had a fun hike across old stone walls and through ferny marshes, where we met this guy:

We returned to camp, where the kids had fun while the grownups prepared dinner

At the "hideout"
More fun at the hideout
inside the lean to
Chef Trevor Starts the Fire

After enjoying a beautiful sunset, we went to sleep in the tents and lean-to.

Thanks to all who came! And extra-special thanks to Trevor for all the planning an advance work! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Navigators Chapter 13 Next Meeting May 20

Hello all! Hope you can make it to our next meeting, May 20 at 11AM.  Please email for exact location.  Please feel free to bring along any friends you think might be interested.  We will be talking about our plans for next year! Snacks will be provided.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Stay Tuned for more information on our May 20th Meeting. We'll send out a survey ahead of time and follow up at the meeting so we can begin to shape the program around kids' and parents' needs. We're looking for your interests and involvement!

Camping trip preview information for June 9-10 (Let me know if there is gear that you don't have and don't want to invest in, as I may have some extras - Trevor):

Navigators June 9-10 overnight backpacking Gear list Overview:

We will drive to Fishkill, NY about 1.5 hours North of NYC to a private wilderness area. We will leave our cars and hike about ½ mile to a site where we will set up tents or tarps on 12’ x12’ wooden tent platforms. We will cook dinner on a campfire (probably hot dogs and s’mores) and then breakfast in the morning on a stove (probably oatmeal). We will hike out sometime mid-morning. We have a limited capacity (tent platform space), so communicate with me ( as early as possible to secure a spot. We will buy and bring the food, and will charge $20 per person for this and any sundries. Any money leftover will be put to paying for snacks, etc. for future trips. This is our first camping trip, so we’ll ask that children coming be accompanied by a parent. In the event of a forecast of heavy rain, we may choose to turn the trip into a day hiking trip – more on that as we get closer.

 Gear list:
* Lunch for Saturday afternoon arrival
* backpack for carrying equipment
* 1 hat – synthetic or wool
* 1 pair of hiking boots or high top sneakers
* 1 baseball-style hat (optional)
* 2 pairs of heavy socks – wool or wool substitute (if it’s cold, its good to sleep in a thick pair of wool socks)
* 1 fleece or similar jacket – Pay attention to the weather (forecast for zip 12524) and adjust accordingly)
* 1 waterproof jacket
* 2 T-shirts
* 1 medium weight long-underwear top
* underwear
* 1 pair of long pants – loose fitting and quick drying , nylon or 50/50 or 60/40 polyester/cotton blend
* 1 lightweight long-underwear bottom
* 1 folding pocket knife (adults), bowl & spoon, bandanna
* 1 head lamp or flashlight (with extra batteries & bulb)
* lip balm & sunscreen – SPF of 15 +
* tick/mosquito repellant
* sleeping bag (and pillow, if necessary)
* sleeping pad or yoga mat
* medications, if you need them (we will bring a complete first aid kit)
* toothbrush & toothpaste
* 1 small towel
* 1 large garbage bag or pack cover for rainy days
* journal, pen, camera, earplugs
* a little toilet paper (please NO baby wipes) and a personal waste bag (1 gallon zip lock freezer bag)
* 3-4 one-quart water bottles with water (we must carry in any water we will use)

We will bring a stove, pots, utensils, tarps/tents, guy line, first aid kit, dinner and breakfast materials, fire starting materials, toilet trowel, pot scrubbie, hand/dish soap, food hang bag and rope, map and compass. Some of this equipment will be divided among the strong when we prepare to hike in.

When we have a confirmed list of campers, we'll send out additional information and figure out travel arrangements.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Arbor Day at Alley Pond

In celebration of Arbor Day, Navigators Chapter 13 Astoria headed to Alley Pond Park to help plant some trees!  Alley Pond supplied the trees and we supplied the labor.  We also brought a blueberry plant, which is native to Eastern Queens, to plant as well. This required quite a bit of teamwork.

We were happy to meet our newest member, Luca, as well.  After planting trees, we all enjoyed some lunch beneath the giant willow tree.

We were happy to meet Robin Bossert, the founder of Navigators USA, who paid us a special visit.
Robin and Trevor

And of course we made some time for play, as well!

What a great way to welcome spring 2012!

Upcoming Navigators Meetings:
May 20: Mass Meeting/New Members Meeting
June 9-10: Camping Trip!

Contact Rachel or Trevor for further information.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Alley Pond Environmental Center

Chapter 13 was lucky enough to get a spot for a Saturday morning program at Alley Pond in March, 2012.  Our instructor Kim brought out some of Alley Pond's animals to meet the group, and then took us for an escorted hike around the Center's Salt Marshes.

First we met Ash, the rabbit.  He seemed to really enjoy meeting Tommy and Phoebe.

Then we met Shy, the turtle.  He lived up to his name and did not seem to eager to meet any of us!

Finally we met Linda, a dove who only came to Alley Pond recently.  We were all amazed by her long tail feathers.

Luckily, after we met the animals, the morning's rain had stopped and we were able to take a look at Alley Pond's Salt Marsh, one of the few salt marshes left in New York City.

And we're looking forward to returning to help Alley Pond plant trees for Arbor Day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Upcoming Meetings!

Greetings Navigators and Navigator Parents,
Just wanted to give you a heads up on our upcoming dates:

April 1 -- Mass Meeting and Team Building Activities
April 28 (TBD) -- Arbor Day Service Project
May 20 -- General Meeting and New Member Sign Up
June 9-10 -- Navigators Chapter 13 First Camping Trip

Please feel free to email me a for more information!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chapter 13's December Meeting: Hiking at Harriman

Chapter 13 was fortunate to have a beautiful hike in Harriman for the December meeting.  Co-Leader Trevor mapped out the route and planned a scavenger hunt for the trip.  The kids got to show off their navigating skills, finding trail markers and following the planned route.  A great time was had by all.

Chapter 13's Second Meeting: Pizzamaking and Getting to Know Each Other

For our second meeting, Chapter 13 got together at Co-Leader Rachel's house for an afternoon of pizza-making, competitive and co-operative building with blocks, and just generally getting to know each other.

We also started thinking about a name for a group.  Some of our members are worried about having a unlucky number, but I've always thought of 13 as a lucky number! 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Navigators Chapter 13 Canned Food Drive - Holiday 2011

On December 17, we held our first-ever canned food drive.  We were fortunate to get permission from Key Food, a local grocery store, to set up a table right out in front of the store.

The food drive was incredibly successful! In addition to donations of over 70 pounds of non-perishable food, Chapter 13 made nearly $200 in donations, which we turned over to City Harvest, a local food pantry.

The scouts had a great time making up their own chants to the tune of christmas carols.  One of our favorites was "Jingle Cans".  Another was "Deck the Halls with Cans of Mackerel".  Special thanks to the shoppers of Astoria for their generosity this holiday season.

Great job, Chapter 13!

Welcome to Our Blog!

I'm proud to present our brand-new for 2012 Navigators Chapter 13 Blog! Come here to see what our scout group has been up to and what we'll be doing next.

For those of you new to the group, Navigators Chapter 13 is one of the newest chapters of Navigators USA, a brand-new scouting group started right here in NYC.  For more information about Navigators USA, check them out on the web at   Navigators is a non-denominational, co-educational religiously tolerant scout group. 

One reason for starting a Navigators chapter is to combat what's sometimes called nature-deficit disorder: the unmet need of today's youth to get outside.  For more on that, take a look at Last Child in the Woods . Another reason is to get kids away from the video games and into some real-life camaraderie through group activities, including service activities.

I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures.  If you'd like to learn more, feel free to email me or commenting on the blog.